Ice Breaker Question:
Where is your favorite place to eat, and why?
Scripture References:
Matthew 28:18-20
Summary of the Message:
This week, we closed out our series titled "DISCIPLE". Pastor Kyle discussed the importance of making disciples and highlighted that disciples make disciples. He emphasized the need to find willing individuals, spend time with them intentionally, and help them take steps of obedience. As we reflect on the message, discuss the following questions:
Discussion Questions:
1. How can you identify potential disciples in your life?
2. Why is spending intentional time with someone crucial in discipleship?
3. In what ways can you help someone take steps of obedience to Christ's commands?
The challenge for the week:
Identify one person in your life who could benefit from discipleship, intentionally spend time with them, and help them take steps of obedience in their walk with Christ.
- TEAM NIGHT – Team Night is the first Sunday of every month. Join us as we gather at the church at 5:00pm to talk vision, culture, and celebrate what God is doing in the life of our church! Whether you serve on a team, don't currently serve, or you want to learn more about serving, we would love to have you join us!
- NEXT STEPS – We believe NEXT STEPS will help you better connect with Jesus and His church! Next Steps takes place on the 2nd Sunday of every month directly after our 11:15 service. All you have to do is sign up through our church app! Lunch is provided and childcare is available if needed.
- 7 Days of Prayer & Fasting – Join us this week as we pray together as a church. Over the course of the week, we will have daily prayer focuses that you can find on our church app and on social media. Find something to fast from and join us as we seek God together concerning important areas that we, as a church, need to pray for. The church will also be open for prayer Monday through Friday from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm.